Split Subscription

Split Subscription is a feature that allows merchants to divide a single subscription into multiple separate subscriptions. This can be useful when customers want to manage specific items from their subscriptions independently or when you need to modify or customize subscription parts without affecting the entire contract.

Here are the steps to split a subscription:

1. Log in to your Shopify store.

2. Go to the Utterbond Subscriptions App.

3. Select Subscriptions from the menu.

4. Click on the Subscription ID to access the subscription details page.

5. Click on More Actions.

6. Choose Split Subscription from the dropdown menu.

7. After clicking on the Split Subscriptions a pop-up will appear, allowing you to select the products you wish to separate from the main contract.

8. Then choose the items you want to split into individual contracts. As a merchant, you can select multiple products based on your preference.

Splitting with or without an order

  1. Splitting without order

Splitting without an order means no immediate order will be placed for the product(s) when the new contract is created. Instead, orders will be placed starting from the next scheduled billing cycle.

For example, if you split the contract on the 20th of the month and the original subscription was set to renew on the 1st of each month, the new contract will not place an order on the 20th. Instead, it will renew on the 1st of the following month.

  1. Splitting with order

On the other hand, splitting with an order placed will immediately create an order for the product(s) in the new contract.

For example, suppose you split the contract on the 20th of the month. In that case, the new contract will immediately place the order on the same day, regardless of the original subscription's scheduled renewal date.

This can be helpful when customers ask for their subscription products to be delivered to a friend or family member instead of themselves or when customers want to split the subscription for themselves. (You would also need to update the new contract with the shipping details of the new recipient.)


  • Subscription must be Active.
  • Subscription has more than one product.
  • The new split subscription will be created with the same details as the billing cycle, product price, and shipping charges of the original subscription.
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