Utterbond X Zapier Integration

What is Zapier?

Zapier is an incredibly versatile automation tool that connects different apps and services to create seamless workflows without requiring any coding knowledge. Acting as a bridge between applications, Zapier enables users to set up "Zaps"—automated workflows that are triggered by specific events in one app, which then initiate actions in another. This connectivity allows users to automate repetitive tasks, eliminate manual work, and ensure that data flows effortlessly between the apps they rely on.

By automating processes, Zapier helps reduce human errors and ensures that workflows remain consistent, ultimately contributing to improved productivity and smoother operations.

Why Integrate Zapier with Utterbond Subscriptions?

Integrating Zapier with Utterbond Subscriptions unlocks powerful automation capabilities, allowing merchants to streamline their subscription management process. By integrating with Zapier, Utterbond Subscriptions can work seamlessly with a broader ecosystem of apps, enhancing productivity and operational efficiency.

With Zapier, automate key subscription workflows for seamless management. When a Subscription Starts, trigger onboarding actions automatically. For Subscriptions Paused, send notifications and follow-ups effortlessly. Re-active Subscriptions with ease by automating re-engagement campaigns. If a Subscription is Cancelled, trigger retention efforts and analyze churn. Handle Skipped Payments with automated retries and notifications. Celebrate Successful Payments with thank-you messages, and manage Failed Payments by automating retries and follow-ups to reduce churn.

Advantages of integrating Pushowl and Utterbond

  • Automatically trigger actions in Zapier when a new subscription begins, ensuring timely and efficient onboarding of new customers.
  • Manage paused subscriptions effortlessly by automating notifications and follow-ups through Zapier.
  • Reactivate subscriptions with ease by automating re-engagement campaigns and customer communications.
  • Stay on top of cancellations by triggering automated retention efforts and understanding customer churn reasons.
  • Handle skipped payments efficiently by automating retry processes and customer notifications.
  • Celebrate successful payments with automated thank-you messages and engagement activities.
  • Manage failed payments by automating retry attempts and customer follow-ups to minimize churn.

Setting Up Integration

  • Please ensure that you have an active Zapier account. If not have an account then create your Zapier account.

Step 1: Ensure you have activated the integration from the Utterbond Subscriptions app by following these steps:

  1. Go to Utterbond Subscription App > Settings > Integrations > Zapier.
  2. Click on setup.
  3. Activate Integration.
  4. Click on save.

Utterbond Events: 

  • The event will appear here:

Go to zapier.com > Create zap > select Utterbond subscription from Trigger

Step 1:  Select Create Zap 

Step 2: Click on the Select trigger option

Step 3: Search Utterbond & select Utterbond subscriptions.

Step 4: After that, you can see the Utterbond subscription events when you click on the event option.

Integration Triggers

Subscription Created: This event will be triggered when the subscription order is placed.

Subscription Status Updated: This Event will be triggered when a subscription status is updated.

Subscription Order Failed: This event will be triggered on billing attempt (payment) failure for a subscription contract.

Subscription Order Successful: This event will be triggered on the billing attempt (payment) success for a subscription contract.

Subscription Reordered: This event will be triggered when a subscription is reordered.

If you need help with this integration please don’t hesitate to contact our support team using the in-app chat toggle or by email at support@utterbond.com

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