Utterbond x Mailchimp

Mailchimp is a leading marketing automation platform and email marketing service designed to help businesses of all sizes create, manage, and analyze their email marketing campaigns. Mailchimp is known for its user-friendly interface, making it accessible for both beginners and experienced marketers. It provides robust customer support and educational resources to help users maximize the platform's capabilities.

Why integrate Utterbond with Mailchimp?

Integrating Utterbond with Mailchimp enhances your marketing and customer engagement by combining subscription management with powerful email marketing tools. This integration enables seamless synchronization of subscriber data, allowing you to create targeted email campaigns based on subscription status and behavior. You can automate workflows for welcome emails, renewal reminders, and win-back campaigns. Mailchimp's advanced segmentation and analytics provide valuable insights, helping you refine strategies and improve engagement. Overall, this integration streamlines marketing processes, boosts customer retention, and drives growth for your subscription-based business.

Key Features:

  • Manage subscription actions like starts, pauses, reactivations, and cancellations seamlessly in Mailchimp.
  • Segment subscribers based on events for precise, timely campaigns, boosting engagement and conversions.
  • Trigger SMS and email campaigns from subscription events, like upcoming charges or payment failures, to win back customers.
  • Gain valuable campaign and subscriber insights for informed marketing decisions.
  • Below are the subscription triggers that are supported.

Trigger emails for below mentioned subscription actions:

  • Subscriptions Start: Send a welcome email to new subscribers, introducing them to your products or services and setting expectations.
  • Subscriptions Paused: Reach out to subscribers who have paused their subscriptions, encouraging them to reactivate or providing options to better suit their needs.
  • Subscriptions Re-active: Celebrate with subscribers who have reactivated their subscriptions, thanking them for their continued support.
  • Subscriptions Cancelled: Understand why subscribers have decided to cancel and offer incentives or alternatives to retain them.
  • Subscriptions Payment Skipped: Gently remind subscribers of their upcoming payments and provide instructions on updating their payment information.
  • Subscriptions Payment Success: Acknowledge and appreciate subscribers for their successful payments, reinforcing the value of their subscription.
  • Subscriptions Payment Failed: Reach out to subscribers with failed payments, guiding how to update their payment details and avoid disruptions to their service.
  • Subscriptions Upcoming Charge: Proactively notify subscribers about their upcoming subscription charges, giving them time to prepare or make adjustments if necessary.

How to integrate Mailchimp with Utterbond?

To set up the integration with Utterbond, ensure you have an active MailChimp account. If not, create one here. Once this step is completed, follow the instructions below:

  • Navigate to Utterbond Subscriptions > Settings > Integrations > Mailchimp

  • Click on "Set up," and enable "Connect".
  • Enter Mailchimp Audience ID.
  • Enter Mailchimp private API key and click on “Save”.

Please note: The private API key can be found in Mailchimp -> Profile -> Extras -> API Keys Click Here

  • Your integration steps are now complete, and the Utterbond Subscriptions app is connected with Mailchimp.

How to create a workflow in Mailchimp and view metrics?

Enter Mailchimp Audience ID

  • Navigate to Mailchimp -> Audience Dashboard -> Manage Audience -> Settings -> Audience Management.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the Audience ID.
  • Copy the Audience ID.

Mailchimp Private API Key

  • Go to Mailchimp -> Profile -> Extras -> API keys.
  • Click on "Create A Key".
  • Enter a name for the API key.
  • Click "Generate".

  • Copy the generated API key.
  • Paste it into Utterbond Subscriptions.

Setting Up the Integration

  • Name the integration and click "Start Building".
  • Click on "Choose A Starting Point".

  • A popup will be displayed.
  • Select "API & Integrations" from the left menu.
  • Choose "Event API".

  • From the list of available events, select the desired event to be captured.
  • Choose the necessary action you want to perform and save it.

Triggering Events

  • The selected event will start triggering when it occurs in Utterbond Subscriptions.

Checking Utterbond Subscriptions Events in Mailchimp

  • Go to "Audience" in Mailchimp.
  • Select "All Contacts".

  • Find and select the customer you want to check.
  • You’ll see the Utterbond Subscription Events inside the customer activity section.

If you need help with this integration please don't hesitate to contact our support team using the in-app chat toggle or by e-mail at support@utterbond.com.

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