How to add tags to the subscription orders?

The tag feature will aid in distinguishing subscription orders from normal orders and differentiating customers by assigning a Tag. Upon creating and saving the changes to a tag, the updated Order/Customer tags will be automatically applied to all future subscription orders.

Step 1 :- Go to the Automation >> and click on the Tag Workflow.

Point 1. Customer Tag:- Click on Disabled button to enable tag functionality.

  1. Add tags to the customer:- Specific tags added in this section will assign to the customer.
  2. Remove tags from the customer:- This tag will remove the previous tag and assign the new tag which you will add here.

(Note:- You need to type the tag and enter it so it will be added in the tag field.)

Customer Tag Setting:- The added tag will assign to the customer in the subscription order.

Point 2. Dynamic Order Tags:- You can use this feature to add specific Billing Cycle, Subscription ID, Billing Frequency, Delivery Frequency tag in the order.

Point 3. Order Tags:- The tag which you will add here, will show in the subscription order.

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