What is Utterbond Subscriptions?

Utterbond Subscriptions is a Shopify app that allows merchants to offer products or services to customers on a recurring basis. This means customers can sign up to receive products or services on a regular schedule, such as weekly, monthly, or annually, and they are automatically billed at the specified intervals until they choose to cancel their subscription.

Utterbond Subscriptions provides merchants with tools to set up and manage subscription products, including options for configuring pricing, billing intervals, and subscription terms. This feature is particularly useful for businesses selling consumable goods, such as food, beauty products, or pet supplies, as well as for services like software subscriptions, online courses, and more.

With subscription services, merchants can foster customer loyalty, predict revenue more accurately, and create a steady stream of income from repeat purchases. Additionally, Utterbond Subscriptions offers various features to enhance subscription capabilities, providing merchants with flexibility and customization options to meet their specific business needs.

Key features offered by Utterbond Subscriptions include:

  • Unlimited Orders: Revolutionize your subscription experience with unlimited subscription orders. With our Utterbond Subscriptions app, there are no limits to the number of subscription orders you can place, ensuring you enjoy a seamless and unrestricted subscription service.
  • Unlimited Subscription Plans: Unleash your business potential with Unlimited Subscription Plans. Our platform empowers you to create Subscription plans without limitations, providing the flexibility you need to thrive and grow.
  • Subscriptions Management (Skip, Pause, Cancel): Total control is at your fingertips. With this feature, both admins and customers can easily skip, pause, or cancel specific subscription orders, ensuring a flexible and convenient subscription experience.
  • Branded Account Portal: The customers can access the customer portal on the website. They can effortlessly oversee and control all aspects of their subscriptions, including managing paused, canceled, skipped, and failed orders. Within the portal, customers can easily access upcoming order dates, billing details, discounts, and past subscription history, swap products, reorder with ease, and enjoy a wealth of additional functionality for a seamless subscription experience.
  • Exclusive Shipping Profile: The customers can access the customer portal on the website. They can effortlessly oversee and control all aspects of their subscriptions, including managing paused, canceled, skipped, and failed orders. Within the portal, customers can easily access upcoming order dates, billing details, discounts, and past subscription history, swap products, reorder with ease, and enjoy a wealth of additional functionality for a seamless subscription experience.
  • Advanced Analytics: The customers can access the customer portal on the website. They can effortlessly oversee and control all aspects of their subscriptions, including managing paused, canceled, skipped, and failed orders. Within the portal, customers can easily access upcoming order dates, billing details, discounts, and past subscription history, swap products, reorder with ease, and enjoy a wealth of additional functionality for a seamless subscription experience.
  • Segment-Based Subscription Discount: Offer discounts for subscription plans at each frequency. Customers will get discounted prices when choosing their preferred frequency.
  • Repeat Engagement Discount: Elevate customer retention with repeat engagement discounts. Tailor discounts to specific billing cycles, such as offering a 50% discount on the 5th purchase and more, to encourage continued patronage.
  • Bundle (Build a Box): Enhance your subscription experience by creating Build Box bundles. Easily assemble a bundle from your existing subscription plans. Enable bundling to include all the products from the subscription plan in the bundle (Build Box), and apply unique discounts to enhance the value.
  • Next Billing Date (Anchor Billing): Customize the next billing date for your subscription plans. Set the shipping and billing to occur on specific days of the week, month, or year. Choose the exact date for your subscription orders.
  • Tag-Based Subscription Plan: With this feature, you can display relevant subscription plans to your customers based on their tags. Customers with specific tags will have access to view those plans.
  • Swap a Product: The Swap Product feature empowers customers to make changes to the products within their existing subscription orders. For example, if a customer initially purchased product X with variant A in their first subscription order but wishes to switch to variant C, they can do so using the swap option in their customer account.
  • Dunning Management: You can take action when customers repeatedly fail to complete their subscription payments. You have the flexibility to choose the number of retry attempts allowed for payment.
  • Cancellation Management: You can configure various cancellation reasons that cater to both administrators and customers. when admin/customers cancel the subscription then you can ask for the reason to improve your sales.
  • Configure Subscription Management Options: Empower customers with control over their subscriptions. From the customer portal, they can seamlessly manage their subscriptions by canceling, skipping, pausing, editing shipping addresses, adjusting upcoming order dates, frequencies, quantities, and more to tailor their experience.
  • Language Translation: You have the flexibility to change the language of the customer portal and customize the messages to align with your brand's values.
  • Basic Churn Feedback: Gain valuable insights by collecting feedback from customers who have canceled their subscription plans. Understand their reasons and use their input to enhance your offerings and reduce churn.
  • Customer Segmentation: Tailor your subscription plans to different customer segments using customer tags. Whether you have VIP customers or non-logged-in customers, you can set unique frequencies for the same product. By assigning tags through customer segmentation, specific frequencies will be displayed on the product page only for customers with matching tags, providing a personalized subscription experience.
  • Tag Workflow: Use the tag feature to distinguish subscription orders from regular ones and categorize customers with ease. Tags will be assigned to customers & orders when specific subscription events occur. It will help you efficiently manage and identify your orders and customers
  • Subscription Status Automation: Effortlessly change the status of all or specific subscriptions with a single click. Once the status is updated, both the customer and the admin will receive email notifications if email notifications are enabled.
  • Billing Date Automation: You can update the subscription's next billing date with a single click in bulk. Once the next billing date is updated, both the customer and the admin will receive email notifications if the email notification is active.
  • Price Automation: You can change the subscription's product variant price with a single click in bulk. The variant price will be changed to reflect all the subscriptions for which that variant is available. Once the variant price is updated, the customers will receive email notifications if the email notification is active.
  • Product Swap Automation: You can change the subscription's product with a single click. The new product variant will be swapped/replaced with all the subscriptions on which that variant exists. Once the new product swapped/replaced is done, both the customer and the admin will receive email notifications if the email notification is active.
  • Delete Product Automation: You can remove the specific product variant from all the subscriptions with a single click. Once the product is removed successfully, both the customer and the admin will receive email notifications if the email notification is active.
  • Automatic Recurring Payment: Experience the convenience of hands-free billing with our Automatic Recurring Payment feature. Your payments are automatically processed as scheduled, ensuring uninterrupted service without the need for manual actions.
  • Shipping Price Automation: You can update the available subscription shipping price with a single click in bulk. Once the shipping price is updated, both the customer and the admin will receive email notifications if the email notification is active.
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